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First aid for basic traffic course

First aid and duties & Procedures in road traffic accident.

Starter 17. feb.
950 norske kroner
Økern Torgvei


1.5 - master basic skills in connection with road traffic accidents and first aid by - having knowledge of his/her duties in the event of a road traffic accident - being familiar with procedures for safeguarding and taking proper action at the scene of an accident - being able to assess the extent of injury and practise giving first aid 1.6 - take part in rescue operations at a simulated accident and using this to - experience being the first to arrive at the scene of an accident, understand the importance of knowing the extent of injury before reporting the accident and how to report it - practise basic procedures at the scene of an accident - further develop practical skills in giving basic, life-saving first aid in the event of a traffic accident

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For avbestillinger, vennligst kontakt oss minst 24 timer i forveien for å unngå å bli belastet.


  • eco Trafikkskole AS, Økern Torgvei, Oslo, Norge

    +47 988 066 88

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